Reflections on Week #18

I spent an hour last night typing this post, only to lose the entire thing when I tried to publish it. I can't bring myself to rewrite it, so we'll just call this post a quick check-in.

It was my first taper week, and I now understand why the longest training run happens 3 weeks before a marathon versus only 1 week before a half marathon. That 20-miler took a lot out of me! My legs were more tired during my shortened runs this week than I was expecting. My coach assures me I'll be well-rested by July 25, and she hasn't steered me wrong yet, so onward I go.

Physically I am doing well, if still recovering from all the miles of the previous week. I can't believe how good my body feels, in fact, after the injuries I had earlier in training. Emotionally I am all over the place – feeling both incredibly excited to finally tackle the big challenge and yet terrified of the unknown. This has been such a wonderful experience overall for me, and I am really hoping to finish on a positive note. I know the race will be utterly grueling, things will likely go wrong at some point, etc. I'm just hoping the things that go wrong don't include getting attacked by a bear or bitten by a snake (I did see one on the trail last time) or falling off a cliff. I would really have a hard time looking at things positively in that case.

Mileage for week 18: 29 miles

Total mileage: 454.7 miles

Days until marathon: 14 13 days
